

at Lake Michigan and the Platte River

There is a small fee of $5.00 asked for when you park in the Township
Park lot and use the facilities. This fee is used for the maintenance of the tables,
benches, grills, and lawn care.
If you have purchased a new vehicle since the Township Park Stickers were issued,
replacement stickers are available to the Township Offices during regular office
hours. The stickers are free to Township residents, the stickers are needed to use
the Township Park. If you have friends and relative who visit the Park on a regular
basis, a seasonal parking pass is available for $30.00.
Riverside Canoes will match up to $1,000 donations made to the Lake Township Park
Fund. Donations to the Park Fund are used to offset the cost of maintenance and improvements
to the Park, located at the end of Lake Michigan Road and the mouth of the Platte

The Lake Township Board would like to express our appreciation to both the individual
donors and to Riverside Canoes for their continued support of the Lake Township Park.

If you would like to donate to the LAKE TOWNSHIP PARK FUND please use this
Donation Form. (1 page, 44 kB, PDF document, which can be easily
read and printed using Adobe's Acrobat Reader, which if you do not have, can downloaded
for free from Adobe's Web site.)
Special Note...
Whether you’re a Lake Township resident or a visitor to our beautiful area, you
have an opportunity to "leave your mark" while at the same time helping
to maintain and make improvements to the Park. With your fully tax-deductible donation
$25.00 or more, you can have an attractive and personalized polished-metal plaque
placed on the Lake Township Park Supporters display on the kiosk at the Park.

The plaques can be used for memorials, marriages, births, anniversaries, graduations,
a family member, pets, any significant person or event you'd like to acknowledge,
or to show your support for the community. These handsome plaques are 1" x 3"
and allow up to 3 lines of text and up to 25 characters per line.

Thank you for being a part of this. For more information visit or call the Lake Township
office at 231-325-5202.
